Salah (congregational prayers) being the second most significant pillar of Islam holds core implications by providing a way to invigorate the bond with Supreme deity. Salah strengthens the foundation of faith that is obligatory upon every sane Muslim and deemed of high comprehension to be forgivable under few conditions. Prayers involve invocation, supplication, and worshiping the sole deserving Lord as the Exalted Rab of Universe says in Quran:
“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” [Quran 51: 56]
Salah after the testimony of faith encompasses vital place that helps to nurture soul and mind by preventing against immorality and safeguarding the supplicant against wrongdoings. Prayer is redemption from the tidings of worldly despondencies and despair as Allah Almighty has said in the Holy book of Quran:
“Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.” [Quran 29:45]
Khushu in Salah
Without calmness, tranquility and Khushu in Salah is void and not acceptable in the sight of Allah Almighty. Linguistically Khushu connotes feeling of intense reverence, submission, and respect by imparting the sense of sheer fear, acknowledgement, and authority towards Rab ul Aalameen. Quran cited it as:
“Certainly will the believers have succeeded: They who are during their prayer humbly submissive.” [Quran 23: 1-2]
Khushu has strengthened its roots deep into religion Islam that the acceptance of Salah is entirely dependent on the level of tranquility whilst offering prayers. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to make following dua to seek Allah’s blessings pertaining to Khushu in his Ibada’h as stated:
“O Allah, I seek refuge with you from the non-beneficial knowledge, from a heart that does not possess khushu from the evil desire which is never satisfied and from supplications which are not accepted.” [Muslim]
Khushu in prayers or essence of tranquility breeds Khauf (fear) that restrains a Muslim from pernicious satanic whispers to refrain him from falling in to sins of transgressors. Calmness deeply correlates with Salah though not confined to it yet in the remembrance of Allah hearts beseech tranquility.
Practically attaining and implementing tranquility in Salah is not a daunting task but an achievable custom if immense one’s soul in to the true spirit of prayers with sublime concentration.
1. Do Not Haste in Salah
Salah acts as a bridge between Allah the glorious one and His subjugated creation that differentiates between the believers and heretics. While offering Salah perform the rituals in slow pace avoiding haste in Ruku and Sajda explicitly. Prophet Muhammad has said as narrated in Hadith that:
“The worst people are the thieves who steal part of the prayer. Prophet was asked how this was done, and he replied, “He does not complete his bowings and prostrations,” or he said, “He does not straighten his back during his bowings and prostrations.” [Ahmad, At Tabarani]
The rush in Salah makes a Muslim devoid of his attention during Sajud and Rukuh hence making his prayers void and null.
2. Seek Refuge From Satan
Of the worst distractions, satanic one is the extreme and devastating distractions that lead a Muslim astray by intertwining him to fluke lullabies eventually resulting in weak faith. No Muslim can entirely submerge in the circle of Islam if lacks concrete faith hence in order to attain the fine level of tranquility, for a Muslim it is necessary to be deaf to the whispers of Satan by paying full concentration to what he is uttering during Salah or while praying after Salah. Allah says in Quran:
“And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.” [41:36]
3. Repeating Adhan Inscriptions
Adhan is the declaration for the congregational prayer five times a day. To achieve the tranquility for Salah the foremost step is to recite the wordings of Adhan along it because it asks the Muslim to prostrate in front of Allah in order to attain purification and absolution. When the Mighty Arabic inscriptions strike the heartily chords it soothes one’s soul and build a vibe of calmness deep inside.
“When you hear the Adhan, repeat what the Muadhdhin says.” [Al Muwatta]
4. Purification Key to Prayers
Purify one’s self prior entering into the state of Salah as it is the key to prayers. Do ablution to ward off evils and to rust off impurities. In Hadith, it is stated that:
“The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The key to Salah is the purification.” [Tirmidhi]
At another place, Hadith narrates that Allah Almighty accepts no Salah without purification as mentioned:
“Ibn E Umar (RA) said: Indeed I heard Prophet (PBUH) saying: Allah does not accept Prayers without purification.” [Muslim]
5. Following Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
For a Muslim it is mandatory to follow the prescribed Sunnah of Muhammad (PBUH) because the Sunnah is a direct way to show the submissiveness in front of Allah in order to fulfill His commandments described in sacred scriptures. The best way of getting the level of Khushu in prayers is to offer Salah in Prophetic Pursuit as narrated by Hadith:
“If you stand up for Salah say ‘Allah hu Akbar.’ Then read what comes easy for you from the Quran. Then bow until you are comfortable in your ruku’. Then stand up until you are standing up straight. Then prostrate until you are comfortable in your Sujood. Then sit until you are comfortable in your Juloos. Then prostrate until you are comfortable in your Sujood. And do this in your entire Salah.” [Muslim, Bukhari]
Surmising that, Salah is the first thing that a Muslim will be asked regarding at the Day of Resurrection and no Salah is accepted in sight of Allah Almighty but Salah with faith and Khushu. Tranquility in Salah is achievable by avoiding satanic distractions, unnecessary movements in order to seek serenity in outward actions while remaining humble and submissive inwardly. Glorify the exalted Lord to achieve intimate devotion and calmness through tranquility.
“…” Exalted is He! Rather, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. All are devoutly obedient to Him.” [Quran 2: 116]
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